We have all heard the analogy about putting your own oxygen mask on before you help others and there’s more focus now more than ever around the importance of self-care. Yet, so many of us still really struggle with the concept of making ourselves a priority, particularly us women. I know because I was one of those women myself. In fact, I spent pretty much my entire thirties doing everything for everyone else and nothing for me. I put my absolute all into my corporate career and being the best mum that I could be for my little boys. But I completely lost myself and my own identity in the process and became extremely unhappy and unfulfilled.

Fortunately, through discovering the power of coaching I was able to turn my life around and am now the Founder and CEO of my own Coaching business supporting other women to stop being invisible in their own lives and start living on their own terms again. I believe no woman should live a life that is anything other than amazing and I am determined to help as many women as possible become a priority in their lives.

So, if you feel like you can relate to my story and are interested in making some changes in your life too so you can become more of a priority, read on as I am about to share:

  • Why being a priority in your life is so important.
  • How to recognise when you need to make yourself more of a priority.
  • What tools you need to actually make it happen!

Why is making yourself a priority a big deal?

  • You, like everyone else, deserve to be happy.
  • Your health and wellbeing matter and not taking care of them will have a detrimental impact.
  • Your relationships will improve if you are happier and more present as opposed to unhappy and absent.
  • You will be more efficient and productive across all areas of your life if you take care of yourself and rest when you need to.

How do we know when to act?

The more obvious signs that we need to readdress the balance in our lives and start focusing on our own needs are; persistent tiredness, low mood, feelings of overwhelm and burnout. However, we also need to be aware of other signs that indicate we need to reprioritise too, these can include (but are not limited to):

  1. You can’t remember the last time you felt excited about something.
  2. You have stopped having an opinion and just go with what others want.
  3. You’ve withdrawn socially, seeing friends feels like another thing on your ‘to do’ list.
  4. You’re in a constant blur of busyness but none of the things you are doing are for you.
  5. You have forgotten who you are and what you love.

It doesn’t have to be that way and I‘m passionate about helping you to realise that:

  • It is ok to put yourself first.
  • You don’t have to settle and make do.
  • You are capable of achieving everything that you are prepared to work for.
  • Happiness is available for you, and you deserve it. 

How do we actually make ourselves a priority?

Changing our approach to how we prioritise our time and meeting our own needs doesn’t happen by accident. It can be a tough switch to make that many women struggle with. Knowing that so many women have this issue, I wanted to make sure my support was accessible to as many of those women as possible. So I created my Priority You Mini Masterclass series for free.

This completely free support programme helps you to identify your own barriers to putting you first, it supports you in reframing your belief system and empowers you to gain clarity around which areas of your life you need to become more of a priority. Once you understand this you can set specific goals and tangible action steps to make sure you get there.

Delivered via email over 5 days you can access the video training and workbook when you need them, so you get the best results possible from the programme.

You can access this free support right now https://minimasterclass.youfirstcoach.co.uk/

About the Author

Leanne is a Personal Development and Wellbeing Coach for women and founder and CEO of You First Coaching Ltd and has a simple mission.

To empower ambitious women through high impact coaching and mentoring to claim their space as a priority in their own life so that they can live it in a way that makes them happy.

You can connect with Leanne through the links below 👇


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